
Let’s Talk About The Emotional Impact of Acne

Let’s Talk About The Emotional Impact of Acne

Acne is frequently misunderstood as a superficial issue, but its effects run much deeper than what’s visible. For many, acne brings significant emotional challenges that can profoundly affect self-esteem and daily life. At SSKIN, we recognise that the emotional toll of acne is as crucial as its physical symptoms providing a safe environment to begin your skin journey. The Hidden Struggles of Acne Acne can lead to feelings of embarrassment, frustration, and social withdrawal. These hidden struggles are often overlooked but are just as impactful as the physical symptoms. For teens navigating adolescence or adults dealing with persistent breakouts, the...

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A Friendly Guide to Tackling Hair Loss

A Friendly Guide to Tackling Hair Loss

  If you’ve noticed more strands in your brush than usual or felt like your hair’s not as luscious as it used to be, you’re not alone. Hair loss can be a real bummer, but don’t fret – we’ve got the lowdown on why it happens and what you can do to get those locks back in shape. Why is My Hair Falling Out? First things first, let’s chat about what could be causing your hair to fall out: Stress and Lifestyle Woes: Life can get pretty hectic, and all that stress can mess with your hair’s growth cycle, making...

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The Impact of Burnout on Your Skin

The Impact of Burnout on Your Skin

In today's hustle and bustle, finding that perfect work-life balance seems more like a myth than a reality, right? But did you know, beyond just affecting our mood and productivity, chronic stress can seriously mess with our skin? Yep, think acne, eczema, and even speeding up the ageing process. Studies show that stress triggers hormonal imbalances that directly mess with our skin. When cortisol levels (the stress hormone) go haywire, our skin starts overproducing oil and gets all inflamed, making those existing skin issues even worse. It's like a domino effect that can compromise our skin's natural defences. Here at...

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What is the Skin Barrier and Why Should You Care?

What is the Skin Barrier and Why Should You Care?

When it comes to achieving that glowing complexion, the secret often lies in the strength and health of your skin barrier. This invisible shield is your skin's first line of defense against environmental aggressors, and when it's compromised, you can kiss your dewy, radiant skin goodbye. But fear not! Here’s your ultimate guide to repairing your skin barrier. The skin barrier is composed of tough skin cells bound together by lipids (fats). This barrier works tirelessly to keep the good stuff in (think hydration and nutrients) and the bad stuff out (like pollutants and bacteria). When it’s healthy, your skin...

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Here’s why combining treatments is the ultimate beauty power move

Here’s why combining treatments is the ultimate beauty power move

In the ever-evolving world of beauty and wellness, achieving radiant, youthful skin is a multifaceted journey. While your monthly facial might feel like a mini-vacation for your skin, pairing these treatments with strategic cosmetic procedures can transform your skincare routine from good to gloriously great. Think of it as enhancing your wardrobe with statement accessories—each element alone is lovely, but together, they create a look that's truly show-stopping and here’s why: The Symphony of Synergy: Complementing Treatments for Optimal Results Imagine your skincare routine as a well-rehearsed symphony. Each instrument (or treatment) has its part to play, but the true...

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